Why novice salespeople outperform

We often think that we are similar to our clients...and in many respects we are..our customers probably see a better version of themselves in us.

However, we are not our customers.

We are experts. We have forgotten more about our field than our clients will ever know...what we consider basic - they consider rocket science.

This is one of the reasons why novice salespeople often outperform seasoned industry vets. Not because they are better or that the vets have gotten complacent...it's that the novice is able to relate to the customer better. The novice is able to communicate with the client at a level that the customer needs.

As we grow, we either need to continually hire "young blood," or we need to spend an increasingly larger amount of time "bringing it back down to earth."

When you can explain it to a 5-year-old, and they get it...then you know you are on the right track.

P.S. AI is really helpful in this regard.

P.P.S. This image was created using DALL-E.

#dalle2 #sales #marketing #advisors #authenticity #authenticitysells #authenticitythebook

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