The Only Job of Marketing

We all live in our own little world. As an advisor, marketer, salesperson, and therapist our job is to enter into the conversation that is already happening.

The closer we can get to the internal conversation our prospects are happening, the greater our success.

This is the difference between being someone who "gets them" and "understands" them.

It isn't magic.

It's just empathy...and putting your customer first. Knowing who they are, where they are, what they need, and what they WANT in order to get there...

Unfortunately, the more we "know," the harder it is for us to relate to the struggles of our customers.

This is why the experts are often the worst salespeople and why the best salespeople are often novices in their field.

#empathy #sells

#people #buy #from #people #authenticity #sells #AuthenticityTheBook #advisors

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