Relationships are everything!

Belly to's the only thing that sells...doesn't matter if you are online or in person. People buy from people!

...specifically people they trust!

...and we trust those that we know.

Everything you do needs to be about building a relationship...and it isn't just about the "content" or the "videos" or the "words."

Relationships is about showing up when it matters most!

So, how do you show up when it matters most? To a cold audience? To a mass group of people? There are only a few answers to this question...but the easiest one to implement "retargeting" ads.

If you don't know what that is...then your business is suffering. They are cheap. They are easy to setup. And they will make the single biggest impact to your bottom line.

Sometimes marketing is just about showing up, at the right time, in the right place, with the right message.

What are you doing to ensure that you are in front of your ideal clients ALL the time?

#marketing #advisors #sales #socialmedia #ads #retageting

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