Don't forget your avatar's spouse!

How many times have you thought about your client's spouse when writing your emails? or newsletters?

I do...all the time.

We all know that good couples are a team. No major decisions get made without both of them onboard.

And a weird fact...not everyone on your going to be the person whom you think of as the client. I have kids, grandkids, employees, and employers...all of whom know someone close that they want me to help.

When I write my newsletters, I like to keep them in mind.

What does my non-niche person need? Maybe it's a recipe, a funny cartoon, or something interesting that's happened in the news.

Don't forget to engage your biggest advocates (or obstacles), the non-engaged spouse!

P.S. Check out Chapter 6 of my book for my newsletter cheatsheet and resources for royalty-free content to put in your newsletters.

#marketing #sales #advisors #newsletters

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