Boosting Conversion Rates

Hi {{ first_name }},

Back when I used to run a marketing agency for 7-figure financial advisors, one of the metrics we used to look at was their close rate.

What percentage of their sales appointments turned into customers?

A 70-80% Conversion Rate was our year one goal! If our client wasn't hitting those numbers, it meant something was seriously wrong with the marketing process. By the time you get people in the room with you, real or virtual, they should already be pre-sold, ready to sign on the dotted line. If they aren't, you need to ask yourself, are you setting the right expectations? In your marketing? In your emails? In your meeting requests? In your meetings?

Setting proper expectations is the only difference between a higher closer and a low closer.

When people walk into an Apple store they already know they are going to buy an apple product.

Great businesses plan out their customer's journey so that by the time your prospects are in a room, they already know who you are, what you do, how you can help them, and they know exactly what to expect.

A failure to provide clarity is a failure to close.

To your success,


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