3 Easy ays to Stay Front and Center

Back in my direct marketing days, it was a well-known fact that most people didn't respond until the 22nd offer...today that number has to be higher...yet we don't often hear people talk about how to follow-up with prospects.

Here are three easy techniques:

1 - Emails: Seems simple and stupid...and they should be. Most of my emails are a paragraph or less and drive people to my blog, podcast or event.

2 - If you aren't paying for your social media posts to be seen by your "warm" prospects and clients than you are missing out on a major opportunity! (I spent less than $100/month on my re-targeting ads.)

3- Any time you hold an event, make sure to invite your current prospects (properly segmented) to them...these are your biggest fans and your warmest prospects!

#advisors #marketing #sales #socialmedia

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